
Mental Wellbeing for Busy People

Have you ever stopped to wonder why, despite our incredible technological advancements and unprecedented access to information, so many people seem to be struggling with mental health issues? As a society, we’ve made leaps and bounds in our understanding of mental wellbeing, yet anxiety, depression, and stress seem to be at an all-time high. I couldn’t help but ask myself: what’s missing? Why are we struggling to find balance and happiness in this complex, fast-paced world?


Meet The Author

"I have had many ups-and-downs throughout my life, and I am still not dead."

Have you ever stopped to wonder why, despite our incredible technological advancements and unprecedented access to information, so many people seem to be struggling with mental health issues? As a society, we’ve made leaps and bounds in our understanding of mental wellbeing, yet anxiety, depression, and stress seem to be at an all-time high. I couldn’t help but ask myself: what’s missing? Why are we struggling to find balance and happiness in this complex, fast-paced world?

This question led me on a journey of self-discovery and research that ultimately culminated in the creation of this book. My name is Simon Stapleton, and I’m not a psychologist, psychiatrist, or mental health professional. I am, however, someone who has experienced my fair share of challenges and setbacks in my own mental health journey. Through my own struggles, I’ve come to understand that mental wellbeing is something we all need to invest in, learn about, and prioritize.


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